According to The Evening Standard, Cabinet Ministers revealed that Brexit is more than likely to be delayed further than its 29th March 2019 deadline since there are still around six crucial Bills (including the Immigration Bill) which must be approved before Britain exits the EU.
Comments from a senior Minister:
“The legislative timetable is now very very tight indeed.”
“Certainly, if there was defeat on Tuesday and it took some time before it got resolved, it’s hard to see how we can get all the legislation through by March 29.”
Even though Theresa May publicly opposed the idea, reports from senior Ministers suggest that most of the Cabinet are now in favour of the idea of organising significant votes in the Commons purely to see if a different Brexit plan is backed.
Following the Brexit delay announcement, Pound Sterling had soared up to 0.58% against the Dollar at $1.2823 and 0.28% against the Euro at €1.1117.
However, the rise was brief, and the Pound fell back to being 0.3% up against the Dollar at $1.2787, and 0.03% against the Euro at €1.1089.
Two of the biggest contributors for the UK to leave the EU have a strong feeling that the Government will discard Brexit.
Mr Hargreaves said: “I have totally given up. I am totally in despair, I don’t think Brexit will happen at all.
“They (pro-Europeans) are banking on the fact that people are so fed up with it that will just say ‘sod it we will stay’. I do see that attitude. The problem is when something doesn’t happen for so long you feel less angry about it.”